पढ़ाई का क्या अर्थ होता है? - padhaee ka kya arth hota hai?

पढाई Education Noun
पढाई Study Noun
पढाई Scholastically Adjective
पढाई Scholastically Adverb
पढाई Studies Adjective

पढाई Meaning in Hindi - पढाई का मतलब हिंदी में

पढ़ाई संस्कृत [संज्ञा स्त्रीलिंग] 1. पढ़ने की क्रिया या भाव 2. अध्ययन ; पठन 3. विद्योपार्जन ; शिक्षा 4. पढ़ने के लिए मिलने वाला धन 5. पढ़ाने का काम 6. पाठन ; अध्यापन 7. पढ़ाने का ढंग या तरीका 8. पढ़ाने के बदले दिया जाने वाला या मिलने वाला धन।

पढ़ाई 2 - संज्ञा स्त्रीं [हिंदी पढ़ाना + आई (प्रत्यय)] 1. पढ़ाने का काम । ओध्यापन । पाठन । पढ़ौनी । 2. पढ़ाने का भाव । 3. पढ़ाने का ढंग । अध्यापनशौली । जैसे, - अमुक स्कूल की पढ़ाई बहुत अच्छी है । 4. वह धन जो पढ़ाने के बदले में दिया जाय ।

पढ़ाई 1- संज्ञा स्त्रीलिंग [हिंदी पढ़ना + आई (प्रत्यय)] 1. पढ़ने का काम । विद्याभ्यास । अध्ययन । पठन । 2. पढ़ने का भाव । जैसे,-तुम्हारी पढ़ाई हमको तो ऐसी ही वैसी मालूम होती है । 3. वह धन जो पढ़ने के बदले में दिया जाय ।

Definition पढाई शब्द की परिभाषा इंग्लिश में

Education: The profession Of Teaching (especially At A school Or college Or University)

Education: The Activities Of Educating Or Instructing Or Teaching
Example: Activities that impart knowledge Or Skill

Education: The result Of good Upbringing (especially knowledge Of correct social Behavior)
Example: A woman Of breeding And Refinement

Education: The gradual process Of Acquiring Knowledge
Example: education Is A preparation For Life

Education: knowledge acquired By learning And Instruction
Example: It Was clear that He Had A very broad Education

Education: The United States federal department that Administers All federal Programs dealing with Education (including federal Aid To educational Institutions And Students)
Example: Created 1979

Study: A detailed critical Inspection

Study: preliminary drawing For later Elaboration
Example: He Made several Studies before starting To Paint

Study: A room Used For reading And writing And Studying
Example: He Knocked lightly On The closed door Of The Study

Study: A state Of deep mental Absorption
Example: She Is In A deep Study

Study: Applying The mind To learning And understanding A Subject (especially By Reading)
Example: Mastering A second language Requires A Lot Of Work

Study: attentive consideration And Meditation
Example: after much cogitation He Rejected The Offer

Study: A branch Of Knowledge
Example: In what discipline Is His Doctorate?

Study: A composition intended To develop One aspect Of The Performer''s Technique
Example: A study In Spiccato Bowing

Study: A written document Describing The findings Of some individual Or Group
Example: this Accords with The recent study By Hill And Dale

Study: someone Who Memorizes quickly And Easily (as The Lines For A part In A Play)
Example: He Is A quick Study

Study: Be A student Of A certain Subject
Example: She Is reading For The Bar Exam

Study: learn By reading Books
Example: He Is Studying geology In His Room

Study: Be A Student
Example: follow A course Of Study

Study: consider In detail And subject To An analysis In order To discover essential features Or Meaning
Example: Analyze A sonnet By Shakespeare

Study: think intently And At Length, As For spiritual Purposes
Example: He Is meditating In His Study

Study: give careful consideration To
Example: consider The possibility Of Moving

Scholastically: with respect To scholastic Activities
Example: Scholastically Apt

Meaning पढाई शब्द का अर्थ इंग्लिश में

Education [Noun]: The Act Or process Of Educating; The result Of Educating, As determined By The knowledge Skill, Or discipline Of Character, Acquired; Also, The Act Or process Of training By A Prescribed Or customary course Of study Or Discipline; As, An Education For The Bar Or The Pulpit; He Has finished His Education.

Study [Verb]: A setting Of The mind Or Thoughts upon A Subject; Hence, application Of mind To Books, Arts, Or Science, Or To Any Subject, For The purpose Of Acquiring Knowledge.

Study [Verb]: Mental Occupation; absorbed Or thoughtful Attention; Meditation; Contemplation.

Study [Verb]: Any particular branch Of learning that Is Studied; Any object Of attentive Consideration.

Study [Verb]: A building Or apartment devoted To study Or To Literary Work.

Study [Verb]: A representation Or rendering Of Any object Or Scene Intended, Not For exhibition As An original work Of Art, But For The Information, Instruction, Or assistance Of The Maker; As, A study Of Heads Or Of hands For A figure Picture.

Study [Verb]: A piece For special Practice. See Etude.

Study [Noun]: To Fix The mind closely upon A Subject; To dwell Upon anything In Thought; To Muse; To Ponder.

Study [Noun]: To apply The mind To Books Or Learning.

Study [Noun]: To Endeavor Diligently; To Be Zealous.

Study [Verb]: To apply The mind To; To read And examine For The Purpose Of learning And Understanding; As, To study Law Or Theology; To Study Languages.

Study [Verb]: To consider Attentively; To examine Closely; As, To Study The work Of Nature.

Study [Verb]: To form Or arrange By previous Thought; To Con Over, As In Committing To Memory; As, To study A Speech.

Study [Verb]: To make An object Of Study; To Aim At Sedulously; To devote One's Thoughts To; As, To study The welfare Of Others; To Study variety In Composition.

Scholastically [Adverb]: In A scholastic Manner.

Studies [Adjective]: Of Study