Mental health national standards

Second edition of NSQHS Standards

The second edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards was released in November 2017. Health service organisations have been assessed to the second edition from January 2019.

NSQHS Standards mental health – resources

The Commission has released two new resources to support implementation of the NSQHS Standards:

  • National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards User Guide for Health Services Providing Care for People with Mental Health Issues includes examples of innovative approaches to providing optimal health care for people with comorbid mental and physical health issues.
  • Map of the second edition of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards with the National Standards for Mental Health Services matches actions within the second edition of the NSQHS Standards with actions in the National Standards for Mental Health Services (NSMHS). This demonstrates to mental health stakeholders the extent of alignment between the two sets of national standards.

The need for a mental health service to demonstrate accreditation  is determined by state and territory regulators. The Council of Australian Governments Health Council agreed in 2017 to a process to revise the NSMHS under the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan.

What are the 10 national standards health care?

Links to the NSQHS Standards.
Clinical Governance Standard..
Partnering with Consumers Standard..
Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard..
Medication Safety Standard..
Comprehensive Care Standard..
Communicating for Safety Standard..
Blood Management Standard..
Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration Standard..

Why national standards for mental health services exist?

The National Standards for Mental Health Services (the Standards) were first introduced in 1996 to assist in the development and implementation of appropriate practices and guide continuous quality improvement in mental health services, which at that time were predominantly provided through State and Territory funded ...

What are the 8 Nsqhs standards?

There are eight NSQHS Standards, which cover high-prevalence adverse events, healthcare- associated infections, medication safety, comprehensive care, clinical communication, the prevention and management of pressure injuries, the prevention of falls, and responding to clinical deterioration.

Are the national mental health standards mandatory?

Implementation of the NSMHS is not mandatory for mental health services nationally. The NSQHS Standards were developed by the ACSQHC in consultation and collaboration with jurisdictions, technical experts and a wide range of stakeholders, including health professionals and health service users.