Vagmita jiji age

Instagram Analytics for Vagmita (Jiji)

Here’re Instagram account statistics for thatindianchick_. The audience size of thatindianchick_ is 255.9K followers. The account gained 3.6K new followers in the four last weeks. The Engagement Rate is 16.91%. The average number of likes and comments per Instagram post created by Vagmita (Jiji) is 43.1K and 429 respectively. thatindianchick_ publishes content mostly about Humor & Fun & Happiness.

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Check Instagram audience demographics

Audience Demographics

  • Audience countries, cities and states

  • Languages of audience

  • Full audience age-gender split

  • Influencers true reach

Audience Interests

  • Finance & Economics

  • Cinema & Actors/actresses

  • Trainers & Coaches

  • Full audience interests list

Check advertising performance

Brand Mentions

  • Estimated post price

  • Advertising post freq

  • Non-ad post freq

  • Native ad performance

Check for fake followers and engagements

Instagram Follower Growth for Vagmita (Jiji)

+3,566 followers last 4 weeks


  • Follow/unfollow patterns analysis

  • Following graph

  • Organic growth check

Instagram Account Activity

  • Engagement analysis

  • Engagement authenticity check

  • Comment pods check

FAQ: Instagram Stats for thatindianchick_ Instagram Account

Eager to learn more about the @thatindianchick_ Instagram followers? Or maybe you need to review the engagement rate and other vital metrics of Vagmita (Jiji) Instagram account since you want to collaborate with them? There could be a lot of reasons why you might be interested in learning the Vagmita (Jiji) analytics data. But no matter the cause, we prepared this small and insightful FAQ to answer the most popular questions about Vagmita (Jiji) Instagram statistics.

  • You can conduct a full-fledged and in-depth analysis of Vagmita (Jiji)’s account and review its Instagram Analytics while analyzing the most crucial and essential metrics (like authentic engagement, audience quality score, and many other indicators) in the full HypeAuditor Instagram report.

  • As we have briefly mentioned above, there are many insightful data and metrics for you to review for any given Instagram account. Such core metrics as the audience demographics and interests, follower growth, engagement rate, comment authenticity, and sponsored posts performance are available. The list doesn’t end there, as there are a lot of other essential metrics. But exactly with these statistics, you can easily monitor Vagmita (Jiji) Instagram analytics via the complete Instagram Analytical Report.

  • @thatindianchick_ Instagram follower count is currently at 255.9K followers. And just like any other Instagram account, the total number of followers is constantly changing. So if you want to understand how actively an Instagram account, such as Vagmita (Jiji), is growing, you are able to do so in the HypeAuditor Instagram report.

  • The engagement rate of @thatindianchick_ Instagram account is 16.91%. Typically, the engagement rate metric determines how actively the audience engages with the influencer’s content. That will show how much impact an influencer can potentially make upon promoting or advertising a specific product via their Instagram account.

  • Everything that somehow concerns such questions as how much does Vagmita (Jiji) make per instagram post, story, or even what’s Vagmita (Jiji) net worth - can be freely reviewed in our full report. Simply upgrade your access to review more insightful data on millions of other social influencer accounts. That way, you’ll be able to compare and decided on the right collaborator who will be suitable for your business.

  • The average amount of likes is around 43.1K per post. However, to better understand how a particular account performs or, in this case, @thatindianchick_ instagram works, it’s vital to be focusing on the level of engagement, not just Vagmita (Jiji) most liked Instagram post. Since that metric will show just how much percentage of the audience is actively involved with the content creator content. That fact alone may completely change your social influencer strategy.

  • The moderate comments are 429 per post. There is no doubt that the number of comments is one of the most blatant indicators to understand how active the audience of an Instagram account is, similar to the Vagmita (Jiji) Instagram. However, besides the number of comments, it’s even more critical to track the overall engagement level and the authenticity of the comments. There are a lot of accounts that may claim that they have a large number of followers. But what you may not understand is that some of these followers may turn to be bots.

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