लगभग को इंग्लिश में क्या बोलेंगे? - lagabhag ko inglish mein kya bolenge?


लगभग = ABOUT(Adverb)

उदाहरण : लगभग परिणामः
Usage : dirty clothes lying around (or about)

लगभग = APPROXIMATE(Verb)

उदाहरण : निराला जी से उनकी अत्यधिक निकटता थी उनकी पुष्ट कलाइयों में महादेवी जी लगभग चालीस वर्षों तक राखी बाँधती रहीं।
Usage : These statistics approximate the figures we have.

लगभग = VIRTUALLY(Adverb)

उदाहरण : देशभक्ति के कारण, इस साल बाजार से चीनी राखी लगभग गायब हो गई हैं।
Usage : Due to patriotism, Chinese rakhis have virtually disappeared this year from the market.

लगभग = APPROX(Noun)

Usage : {0} of approx. {1}

लगभग = MORE OR LESS(Idioms)

Usage : Theyve more or less finished the job.

लगभग = MOST(Adjective)

Usage : the king cobra is the most dangerous snake

लगभग = QUASI(Preferences)

Usage : This is a quasi-scientific arguement.

लगभग = PRETTY WELL(Noun)

Usage : It 's a strategy and it' s working pretty well.

लगभग = PRETTY MUCH(Adverb)

Usage : we were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger

लगभग = NIGH(Adverb)

Usage : Spend nigh on Rs.5oo on dresses.

लगभग = APPROXIMATELY(Adverb)

Usage : Film grossed approximately ten crores rupees at the box office.


Usage : Then said the man who believed: "O my people! Truly I do fear for you something like the Day (of disaster) of the Confederates (in sin)! -

लगभग = ALMOST(Adverb)

Usage : Almost everybody passed in the exam.

लगभग = CIRCA(Preposition)

Usage : The East India company was established circa 1600.

लगभग = PRETTY(Adverb)

Usage : But life was pretty good.

लगभग = PRACTICALLY(Adverb)

Usage : practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train

लगभग = WELL(Noun)

Usage : she was a well of information

लगभग = MAY BE(Noun)

Usage : There may be an old version of the page you wanted:

लगभग = NEARLY(Adverb)

Usage : He nearly missed the target.

लगभग = NEXT TO(Preposition)

Usage : He is sitting next to me.

लगभग = ROUGHLY(Adverb)

Usage : It needs roughly two hours to reach Kazipet from here.

लगभग = SOMEWHERE IN(Noun)

Usage : “Kill Joseph, or throw him somewhere in the land, and your father‘s attention will be yours. Afterwards, you will be decent people. ”

लगभग = WELL NIGH(Noun)

Usage : It is well nigh possible that the number of the bus given in the receipt of Rs. 5, 600 / - issued by the Tour Operator is erroneous.

लगभग = SOME(Adjective)

Usage : Move something onto an empty right - hand tableau slot

लगभग = AS GOOD AS(Noun)

Usage : They were as good as the babies in Taiwan

लगभग = NO BETTER THAN(Noun)

Usage : Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are no better than cattle; in fact they are farther astray from the path.


Usage : Humayu remain equally strong as his younger brothers and that is why at the place of his uncles, it was a little better than the situation of Akbar.

लगभग = AROUND(Adverb)

Usage : He looked around for his friend.

लगभग = JUST ABOUT(Adverb)

Usage : I 'm just about to set off for the station.

लगभग = ROUND ABOUT(Noun)

Usage : These poems which Love for the Country were written round about 1944, give an indication of Almast 's political view - point.

लगभग = CLOSE TO(Adverb)

Usage : Niral was very close to Mahadevi, and Mahadevi used to tie the holly racky to his brother for 40 years.

लगभग = WELLNIGH(Noun)

Usage : "
It was wellnigh impossible to go there.

लगभग = ALL BUT(Noun)

Usage : The Raja, paid homage to all but one in the assembly and then took his seat.

लगभग = IN ROUGH(Noun)

Usage : This indicates the simple and jovial nature of these tribals, who do not like intricate laws and believe in rough and ready justice.

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